Monday, July 9, 2012

Egg In a Hamburger Basket

So I realize I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry. Hopefully this update of awesomeness will make up for that.

I don't know what to call these so I'm making this part fist and hoping it'll come to me.

These are hamburgers or cheeseburgers (I made cheeseburgers) stuffed with an egg.
GENIUS?! yes I Think so.

You'll need:

Now I don't know how you mix up your hamburger meat for hamburgers I add some random seasonings in the cupboard and some Worcestershire sauce. Mix that ALL up with your hands. mmm yum.

Get a ball of meat and make it into a patty.

Take a cup I used this one:
it's just a normal size glass. I tried a mason jar but the hole was to small for the egg.

The hardest part is cutting the circle out of the burger patty. Because trying to pick up a circle burger with the middle missing and have it all stick together is close to impossible.

I sprayed my pan before I put the burger patty in. Just to make sure the egg doesn't stick.
Once the patty is in the pan ( I used medium heat) crack the egg and drop it in the middle.

Then comes flipping. You think this would be the hard part. I promise it's not at all.

When the side down is done cooking how you like it. It's time to flip the burger. Get the spatula as far as you can under. Then I used a wooden spoon to push it all the way on the spatula without breaking the yolk.
I turned the pan sideways so the egg didn't have a harder landing. (I know lame and sounds stupid but it's how I did it).

Let it cook all the way through but not long enough so the egg is overcooked. (Which I didn't master until burger five)
Then ta da! done. top with cheese and whatever you want. 

I promise... you'll probably never make burgers the same.

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